How Our SEO & SEM Services Increased Online Leads for Pet Barn

Pet Barn is an independent pet shop based in Kuwait that offers an impressive range of pet supplies and diverse products and services for pets.

BRAVA 360 - The Problem

The Problem

Pet Barn had an outdated e-commerce experience with poor conversion rates, and indexing issues on search engines due to poor technical SEO.

BRAVA 360 - The Solution

The Solution

BRAVA developed a comprehensive contingency plan that relisted the website on search engines in just two weeks. We then redesigned and redeveloped the website to provide a more enjoyable e-commerce experience and implemented a long-term SEO plan focused on attracting quality, interested customers and increasing sales over time.

BRAVA 360 - The Results

The Results

Pet Barn's sales increased significantly after implementing BRAVA's solutions. In addition to our SEO and e-commerce expertise, we also provided strategic consultancy and business insights, establishing a one-year digital strategy that included a social media identity, content strategy, and mobile app strategy.

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Schedule Your Consultation With Brava 360

At the end of this consultation, you'll have a clear understanding of the next steps your business can take to start generating consistent and reliable results online with our specialized Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) solutions.
Find a time on our calendar to schedule your call today, and we look forward to speaking with you soon!

Secure your spot and discover how Brava 360 can guide your digital journey towards extraordinary ROI. Let's create digital success stories together.

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