How Our SEO & SEM Services Increased Online Leads for Inside Telecom

Inside Telecom is a leading telecom magazine/publication that covers various aspects of the telecom industry, particularly in the GCC region.

BRAVA 360 - The Problem

The Problem

They approached BRAVA 360 to increase their organic usership and develop a monetization strategy for their website.

BRAVA 360 - The Solution

The Solution

We conducted an extensive landscape analysis and developed a comprehensive SEO plan and content pillars. Additionally, we provided user experience consultancy to improve the overall website experience for their users.

BRAVA 360 - The Results

The Results

Our efforts resulted in a 6.5x increase in organic usership in less than a year, resulting in an additional 110,000 users for Inside Telecom. With our SEO and content strategy, they were able to build a monetization strategy and generate revenue from their website.

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Increase in users

+ 110,000 Users

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Increase in Sessions

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More Pageviews

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